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POLITRICKS, Fortress on Quicksand and Abiola's Travails will be uploaded very soon. Against The Run of Play is out and currently on sale. See listings
My dear friends, this is to formally invite you to the public presentation of my new book, 'FROM FRYING PAN TO FIRE: How African migrants risk everything in their futile search for a better life in Europe', scheduled to hold next week Thursday, 22 November, 2018 by 11AM at Shehu Musa Yar'Adua Centre, Abuja.
Chair of the Occasion: Emir of Kano, His Highness Muhammad Sanusi II
Presenter: Edo State Governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki
Reviewer: Spoken Word and performance artist, Mr Dike Chukwumerije.
Thank you
Echoes From the Past
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